The sounds of peace during a global pandemic

16 September 2020

To the Global Community,

I hope this letter finds you all healthy. 2020 has been an unprecedented year, as we’ve seen the COVID-19 pandemic transcend borders, nationalities, races and religions, leaving not even one community unaffected. Even in the Caribbean and Latin America, we’ve seen the impact firsthand in our communities, from the responses by government leaders everywhere to protect our citizens and help stop the spread of the coronavirus.

Unfortunately, in the current times, the basics of societies around the world have been inhibited and the negative impacts of this virus have become very evident. We have seen the rise of xenophobic, discriminatory, and hateful rhetoric and behaviors, and an increase of human rights violations, violence and flaring tensions in different areas. Communities are suffering due to the unfair and inhumane treatment that perpetuates and violates the basic human rights and dignity of individuals.

Regrettably, as a result, the work of peace has also been impacted and slowed down.

However, we cannot allow the current situation to discourage further progress. Even in the face of a global health crisis, peace in fact can be achieved and left as a legacy for our future generations if we join together. As we continue to battle this virus, we must remember that peace, more than a virus, will transcend all borders, nationalities, races and religions too.

Now, more than ever, it is important that we work together with Heavenly Culture World Peace and Restoration of Light (HWPL) to continue to work towards a new era of peace. HWPL’s peace initiatives work to ensure the basic principles of human rights for everyone by eliminating discrimination, promoting religious freedom, and spreading the culture of peace through the implementation of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW).

HWPL is committed to bringing about the cessation of war and world peace, locally, nationally, and globally. Together our strides towards peace for the global community and future generations will become a great light that shines on the whole world.

I appeal to you, the global community, working for peace. We must come together as one, overcome this current pandemic and continue the work of peace, hand-in-hand with HWPL.

 The Honorable Basdeo Panday
Former Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago
Coalition of Caribbean Leaders for Peace