1st IPYG Youth Peace Empowerment Project was held at the first time in South Sudan

‘The 1st IPYG Youth Peace Empowerment Project’ was held on December 16th at office of Junub Open Space in Juba, South Sudan. It was hosted by International Peace Youth Group(IPYG) and Junub Open Space(JunubOS).

The project was attended by 34 participants, including staffs of the JunubOS, teacher and 30 students from the Victory Secondary School. The title of the first class was "My friend, Maize" which introduced the growing process of maize to give an insight into the order of nature to the students.

The IPYG Youth Peace Empowerment Project composed of 11 chapters provides an opportunity for students and young people to learn the values such as harmony and co-existence through agriculture where the law of nature is being explored and is closely related to the daily lives of African youths. They would be nurtured as ‘Messenger of peace’ who can lead in the forefront for world peace through various experimental and research activities.

Also IPYG Youth Peace Empowerment Project shares the same vision with the UN SDGs, especially Goal 4 ‘Quality Education’. The project was designed to teach basic agricultural and historical knowledge to students and young people who are excluded from formal educational institutions.

Mr. Bosco Boro James, the Deputy Director of JunubOS, said he wondered if the students would understand the project well before the class. However when he explained about the concept and purpose, they became more interested in the Youth explained about the concept and purpose, they became more interested in the Youth Peace Empowerment Project: Peace-Agriculture Education. The students learned the human being's life cycle, how they should treat others and show love for each other through life cycle of the Maize.

Students who participated in the project answered that they gained practical wisdom about how to make peace in the community, and that they were looking forward to next year's activities. They also expected that when each school’s teachers participate in the project and give a lecture to students, there would be more effective and great achievement.

IPYG aims to conduct the project at five schools in South Sudan this year. Furthermore, it is in the process of making educational material to implement the project in all African country.