Ulsan IPYG Wins a Prize at KBS UCC Contest with the Documentary of Independence Activist Park Sang-jin

On October 18, KBS Ulsan Broadcasting Station hosted the 2019 Ulsan Heritage UCC Contest to discover Ulsan’s heritage that has been hidden and strengthen Ulsan’s cultural value. At the contest, the documentary called “The Forgotten Independence Activist, Park Sang-jin” submitted by the International Peace Youth Group (IPYG) of Ulsan won a bronze prize.

For this contest, a piece of work related to Ulsan is to be submitted where they can introduce main attractions, tourist spots, cultural places of Ulsan or introduce stories of Ulsan that have not been well-known to many people so that the beauty of Ulsan can be portrayed. They can choose various Ulsan’s culture, figure, nature, event, place, and more for their contents.

▲Mr. Park Joong-hoon, the Director of the Buk-gu Cultural Center and great-grandson of Dr. Park Sang-jin, is doing an interview for the documentary.

The contest which celebrates its second year held from April 1 to August 31. About 200 teams participated in either adult team (documentary, UCC, picture) or teenager team (UCC) and submitted various works. The adult team contest had three parts: documentary, UCC, and picture; and most of the prize-winning works were from professional companies and production teams. However, there is a great meaning for an amateur team like the Ulsan IPYG to win a bronze prize.

The Ulsan IPYG following their plan to organize their initiative with their region and community, focused on the patriotic martyr Park Sang-jin who is from Ulsan. Even though they did not have enough time until the deadline, they still applied for the contest because they thought it was a good opportunity to introduce Dr. Park Sang-jin more to the public.

The documentary is about the patriotic martyr Park Sang-jin born in Ulsan. Contrary to his great achievements in the Korean independence movement, his order of merit is in the low rank. Therefore, the documentary encourages the citizens to make efforts so that his rank in the order of merit can be raised. According to Mr. Koo Kwang Ryul, the Standing Representative of the Movement Headquarters for the Right Establishment of Our History, Dr. Park Sang-jin was the first one who led the armed struggle in the Korean independence movement and fought risking his life for the Korean independence. So, he emphasized that revaluation on Dr. Park Sang-jin is needed.

The IPYG members who created this documentary gave a speech after receiving the award. They said, “It was unfortunate to see that Dr. Park Sang-jin, who was the head of Daehan Gwangboghoe as well as the deputy commander of well-known General Baegya Kim Jwa-jin, was not well-known to the Korean citizens. While preparing for this documentary, we had a meaningful time where we were able to find and discover more about Dr. Park Sang-jin.”