Mr.President, let’s make peace together!

250 Filipino students take the peace class and write Paintings of Peace peace-letters to the president.

On July 30, 2019, Antipolo city in the Philippines was filled with happy laughter of children. That’s because the New Life Evangelical Training School, located here, has about 250 students in grades 4-7 who have taken classes for Peace Education and the hope for peace blossomed..

HWPL peace education teaches the values of peace and enables students to grow into pioneering peace citizens to create a more peaceful society. Beginning in December 2015, Israel's Mar Elijah School of Education has joined 127 schools in nine countries around the world as peace schools for peace education.

The Philippine New Life Gospel Training School also shared peace values with students about diversity, harmony, and coexistence through Lesson 1 “The Origin Ways of Heaven and Creation” of the Peace Education. The students sat right and listened to the teacher to see how beautiful the peaceful world was.

After class, students had time to practice what they learned and joined in in making a peaceful world. Students drew pictures in colorful colors about the peace they felt and wrote letters to the President hoping to make a more peaceful world. Michael Francis N. Cruz, Student of New Life Evangelical Training School, drew the most powerful but kind and friendly Pokemon 'Newt' he knows, and says that the President is similar so with a powerful and kind heart create a peaceful world. Such cute letters put a smile on the reader’s faces.

After observing all of the schedules, Jun Ataguan Ewick, President of New Life Evangelical Training, says that the students were able to open their eyes to what the world is like through this peace education, and was able to deeply crave that the world was created with diversity and work together harmoniously. He added that they hope that these classes will continue to promote peace, educating the younger generation as a school curriculum. And first, teachers should be trained to educate students to be responsible citizens at home and in the community.

Even after this lesson, the New Life Gospel Training School will continue to provide peace education through the “Teachings Why Heaven and Earth are Harmonious” classes in August. And plan to train the students to be citizens who can spread peace culture within families and communities.