2019 ‘World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Office’ first half of the year evaluation: Sweden and Suriname

Sweden World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Office- “conflicts among religions were settled through the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Office.”

The first half of the year evaluation meeting for the 2019 World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Office was held in Göteborg, Malmö, and Stockholm of Sweden on July 18th, 19th, and the 30th. The World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Office in Sweden, which began in June of 2015, is currently operating steadily at three locations every month with religious leaders from different religions including Christianitiy, Islam, Hinduism, Krishnaism, and Sikhism participating.

During the evaluation meeting, when asked about how the perception of other scriptures changed through the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Office, Mohan Rnajan Balendran from Ganesha Temple and a Former Chief Priest answered, “Prejudices on other religions which I had before have been eliminated and it has become very clear to understand other religions.” He showed confidence in resolving religious conflicts through the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Office.

Chief Imam, Agha Yahya Khan, of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Gothenburg Mosque also mentioned, “It was interesting that I found that prophecies metaphorically in future what will happen according to the scriptures from Christianity bible, Koranic prophecies are also the same to these scriptures. The concept of the life after death it was also interesting. As always I will attend with heart of studying.” He emphasized that, “the name of religion may be different but there is only one truth and we follow the One and Only Creator.”

Religious leaders who attend the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Office confessed that they found similarities in scriptures and knowledge after each session, and they feel that they are becoming one under the will of the Creator. In addition, with participating religious leaders presenting new panels, there are more lively discussions persisting.

Suriname- “Misconceptions and prejudices against other religions have been resolved through the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Office”

The World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Office in Suriname, which started in June of 2016, held its 22nd World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Office and half of the year meeting in Paramaribo of Suriname on July 21st. While there are conflicts arising from religious differences around the world today, religious leaders of Suriname are taking the lead and making an effort to respect and understand different religions through dialogue.

President Atmanand Ramcharan of International Religion Council in Suriname shared, “You have to respect all other religions. We must keep in mind that there is only one Creator with different name. What I see when we compare is that we have a lot of similar things in another manner.”

Religious leaders from Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity gathered at the evaluation meeting and discussed how their misconceptions and prejuidce against other religions were resolved through the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Office. Furthermore, they shared that the discussions with leaders of different religions based on the scriptures helped greatly with understanding their own religion and scriptures. Raysa Rodriguez, a Christian panel, expressed how the misconceptions and prejudice against other religions were resolved through the World Alliance of Religions’ Office, and religious leaders in the meeting agreed with her statement.