About The True Story of HWPL: Peace and Cessation of War

Peace Museum Vienna, Austria

This book is not about what has passed, but it is about the present reality and not just a picture book. This book contains the work of peace the seven peace messengers (HWPL, IWPG, IPYG) have done throughout the world.

In this book, you will see some of the people that they have met, what work they did, what the results were, and what they will be doing. You will also see how politicians, members of society, and religious people responded to their work. Additionally, you will see what the possibilities of peace, cessation of war, and alliance of religions are, how each school in each country reacted, and what the media reports are.

It will also show the activities of the messengers of peace and how each nation is accepting it. I would like to ask those who read this book: if you experience certain feelings, needs, or feel that there are some things you want to change, please send us an e-mail. If you would like to see video footages of some of the things our peace messengers are doing, please contact us by e-mail as well.

The purpose of the work recorded in this book is to cease all wars and leave an eternal legacy of peace to future generations. This book has been distributed to 195 countries. It is placed in major institutions such as national and public libraries, national assembly libraries, national museums, and universities. The work of the messengers of peace and this book will be an eternal light in history.

HWPL Headquarters e-mail: hwpl@hwpl.kr

Parliamentary Library of Romania, National Library of Greece

National Library Miguel Obregón in San Jose, Costa Rica